
EP1000 Digital Fabrication Prototyping Fundamentals

In this module you will learn how to use Digital Fabrication techniques in designing and creating prototypes. In the process you will learn how to document and publish your work. You will use Computer Aided Design techniques, 3D printing and laser cutting methods to develop your prototype. In addition, you will be use a microcontroller to add intelligence to your project.

This module is offered as an elective to students of Singapore Polytechnic as part of their Diploma course.

Quick Links:


Module Aims

In this elective, students are introduced to design thinking concepts, which they will use to design some functional prototypes to meet certain user requirements. Fundamental digital fabrication skills and technologies such as computer-aided design, 2D and 3D modeling, mechanical & electronic design and programming skills are developed through a range of hands-on real world activities. Project management, web and version control techniques, which are important for project development, will also be imparted to students.


Teaching Methods

The module incorporates active and experiential learning (CDIO Standard 8) through a combination of tutorials, e-learning and practical workshop sessions. To help the students better understand the basic essential concepts, demonstrations will also be conducted in the lab/workshop (CDIO Standard 6). Audio visual media, hardware and various teaching aids will be used in the course delivery for effective learning.

Students have to demonstrate their ability to work individually and in groups to encourage teamwork, personal and interpersonal communication skills.


Method of Assessment

Assessment will be based on exercises and projects through three in-course assessments (ICA) as follows:

S/No Code Description Weightage
1 CA1 Safety, Documentation, Website 20%
2 CA2 Digital Fabrication Skills 40%
3 CA3 Summative Project 40%

EP1000 Marking Scheme


Course Schedule

Session 21/22 Semester 2

Week Date Topic Remarks Assignment Score
: :   : :   : :
1 18 Oct 21 Introduction, Fablab Safety, Tools   Fablab safety 5
2 25 Oct 21 Project Management, HTML & CSS,
Website Development
3 01 Nov 21 Markdown, Version Control 4th Nov Diwali Simple Site with
HTML & CSS hosted on Github
4 08 Nov 21 Computer Graphics, Computer Aided
5 15 Nov 21 2D Drawing and Modelling      
6 22 Nov 21 3D Modelling      
7 29 Nov 21 3D Printing   Complete 3D Printing Course
Chess Piece
8 06 Dec 21 Computer Controlled Cutting   Complete Laser Cutting Course
Music Box
9 13 Dec 21        
10 20 Dec 21 Mid-term Break 25th Dec Christmas    
11 27 Dec 21   1st Jan New Years Day Deadlines for 3D Printing &
Laser cutting assignments
12 03 Jan 22 Electronics Embedded Programming      
13 10 Jan 22 Basic Input Devices   Switch & 3 LED Simulation 10
14 17 Jan 22 Basic Output Devices   Module Blog 10
15 24 Jan 22 Module Project      
16 31 Jan 22 Module Project Tue 1st -2nd Feb CNY    
17 07 Feb 22 Module Project      
18 14 Feb 22 Project Presentations & Demonstration   Module Project 40
  21 Feb 22 Exams Wk 1      
  28 Feb 22 Exams Wk 2      
        Total Score 100

  Updated: 17th October 2021   Planning Spreadsheet (.xlsx)


Course Notes


  1. Digital Fabrication
  2. FabLab Safety
  3. FabLab Tools
  4. Project Management
  5. Web Development
  6. Version Control
  7. Computer Aided Design
  8. 3D_Printing
  9. Computer Controlled Cutting
  10. Embedded Programming
  11. Input Devices
  12. Output Devices
  13. Final Project



Here are the assignments which you will be working on in the course of this module, some of the assignments will contribute to the final marks of this module.

  1. Safety
  2. Prototyping
  3. Project Management
  4. Web development
  5. Version Control & Your Internet site
  6. Computer Aided Design
  7. 3D_Printing
  8. Computer controlled cutting
  9. Breadboarding, Veroboard prototyping and Soldering
  10. Embedded programming
  11. Input devices
  12. Output devices

You will also “make” a final project of your choice which demonstrates

  1. SC’s Module link
  2. Tutorials & templates
  3. Project Samples
  4. Session 2020/21 Semester 2





October 2020


Sandbox testing

This is my test area, a sandbox for trying ideas and code. Try it
