

This is a fast and brief introduction to Electronics. We do not attempt to make you electronics engineers or experts, but you should have enough knowledge to connect up a simple circuit successfully as well as use the circuit to measure or output a result.


Electricity is the flow of electronics in a closed circuit.

Electric Current

There are two types of electric currents

Two important Electrical Laws

Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s law states that Voltage = Current * Resistance, or written as

Calculating resistance in a circuit

Kirchoff’s Laws

Kirchoff’s first law (the current law)

Kirchoff’s second law (the loop/mesh law)

Electrical Components

Electrical components are broken down into 3 types

Common Electrical components


It is common for electrical components to have a prefix (e.g. Kilo) placed in front of the value. The following table shows the significance of each of the terms as applied to resistance, voltages, currents and other electrical values.

Prefix Symbol Base 10 Decimal
mega M 10^6 1 000 000
kilo K 10^3 1 000
    10^0 1
mili m 10^-3 0.001
micro μ 10^-6 0.0000001
nano n 10^-9 0.000000001
pico p 10^-12 0.000000000001


Learning Electronics

Watch this Simple Guide to Electronic Components to help you identify the physical electrical components that you may encounter.

A good and simple introduction to electronics can be found at the Open University site OpenLearn - An Introduction to Electronics. After finishing this very short course you may also print out a certificate of attendance!

However, most students like the harder and more practical method of learning by doing, as such you have the site TinkerCAD by Autodesk. You can sign in with your Autodesk account.

TinkerCAD Circuits

Under TinkerCAD, you have Circuits which allows you to design, tinker and test your circuits before you implement them physically. This tool greatly enhances the learning experience in Electronics.



  1. OpenUniversity OpenLearn An Introduction to Electronics
  2. Sparkfun tutorials
  3. TinkerCAD
  4. EngCS Youtube Videos:
  5. Dennis Humphrey Making series and parallel circuits using Tinkercad


Assignment: Electronics

In this assignment, you will attempt to learn some basic electronics. You have a fantastic online tool to help you with your work and you should learn how to be familiar with it.

The practical session of this assignment is to

The skills you will learn are:

Assignment: Electronics


November 2020