
Assignment: 3D Printing



In this assignment, you will design a chess piece using Fusion360, experiment with the various settings of a slicer software (Ultimaker Cura) on a 3D object and simulate the 3D print process. You will also attempt to create a 3D print of the knight piece that you have created.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
30 min Use Fusion 360 to design a knight chess piece
30 min Watch a tutorial on Cura
30 min Experiment with the Cura software on a 3D model
30 min Create and optmize a 3D print

This is a short assignment, since you have Mid-semester tests & assignments

Here is a quick guide:

  1. Using Fusion 360 create a knight piece. You can see some examples by performing a Google Search with the terms “knight chess piece”. Here are some tips to create the design
    • Use Google to search for “knight chess piece outline” to get an outline of the chess piece, save the image to use as a template
    • In Fusion 360,
      • mark out a rectangle of approximately 35mm x 50mm, that will be the approximate size of your design
      • attach the image and resize to match your rectangle
      • sketch out the head of the knight
      • use extrusion to create the head
      • use revolution to create the base of the knight piece
      • modify your design such that the base is hollow to save material
    • When complete, generate the STL file for the model.
  2. Write down the reasons why a knight chess piece is suitable to demonstrate the basic features of 3D design and printing.
  3. Search YouTube using the keywords “Cura”, “beginner”, “tutorial” and watch an introduction to using the Ultimaker Cura Slicer program.
  4. Select, as your printer, Ultimaker 2+ with a nozzle size of 0.4mm. You will be using PLA filament.
  5. Simulate a 3D print:
    • Use your Fusion 360 knight model.
    • Make sure the dimensions are no larger than 50x30 (Height, base-radius).
    • Play with the parameters shown above (using Cura)
    • Simulate a 3D print using Cura
  6. Create a table with at least 3 different settings comparing the print of the knight using changes in the following parameters, comparing the size of file, time taken to print and amount of material used. You should consider the following:
    • Layer height
    • Wall thickness
    • Infill
    • Supports
    • Bed adhesion
  7. Use Cura and select the Ultimaker 2+ as the 3D Printer with PLA filament. Tune your settings such that you are able to 3D print your chess piece within 45 minutes. Send the gcode file to the FabLab for printing.


Printing your chess piece

  1. When you are ready to print, contact your lecturer or Fablab staff to print your object on the printer.
  2. Take a few photos of the print job, especially
    • the printing process
    • the finished product with supports
    • the completed piece
  3. Document this process in your blog, remember to include
    • photos of the process
    • the Fusion 360 design file (.f3d)
    • the Cura settings and the Cura output file
    • the “hero” shot
    • what you learnt about the 3D printing process.



This assignment is graded and will contribute to a component mark in your assessment. The grading will be based on the content published on the blog-site.


October 2020