
Assignment Computer Aided Design Introduction



In this assignment, you will install GIMP/Photoshop and Fusion 360. You will use these packages, with the aid of online tutorials, to create preliminary designs. You will then document your work in the blog.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
10 min Install GIMP/Photoshop, Fusion 360
20 min Watch one tutorial Youtube video on GIMP/Photoshop
20 min Use GIMP to modify a photo by removing the background
20 min Go through one tutorial on Fusion 360 interface
20 min Work through one tutorial using Fusion 360
30 min Complete the design projects below

Guides on doing each part

  1. GIMP
    • recommended tutorials (choose one)
    • try using GIM to resize a photograph to a height of 500 pixels.
    • To remove the background from a photo:
      • Search Youtube for “gimp remove background from image” and choose one tutorial and follow it
      • Choose one of your photos, remove the background and replace it with a seaside view of your choice.
    • Document your work as a “How-to” for GIMP
  2. Fusion 360
    • Work through Autodesk Fusion 360 tutorials until “Create a project”
    • Go through Kevin Kennedy’s - Fusion 360 Interface
    • Try the “Initials Keyring” exercise from WarWick University
  3. Complete the following exercises. Treat each exercise as a new drawing and component.

When you have completed the exercise, use the following steps to export your work to a Fusion360 (.f3d) file and attach it to your blog. The way to do it is

Click on the image to enlarge it
Project Options While in Fusion 360, create a new Project to keep all your files. Save your Fusion 360 exercise, use an appropriate name e.g. Exercise_01
Export Options After you have saved your file, click on the File icon at the top and select “Export”
Export Dialog Enter filename, check .f3d format, select folder store exported file
Exported File Copy the file into your folder, link it in your blog and then upload to the repository.


May 2020