
Assignment: Fusion 360 Features

In this assignment, you will complete a Laptop Stand design using the techniques (or combination of) in this topic. The object created will later be used for 2D cutting in the practicals.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
20 min Go through the Laptop Stand video tutorial
120 min Use Fusion 360 to draw the Laptop Stand

This assignment requires you to follow an online tutorial of a laptop stand. The tutorial shows a number of features of Fusion 360 which you will use in later work. The features include

Here is a quick guide:

Laptop Stand

  1. Watch and follow the video tutorial by Taylor Stein - Autodesk Fusion 360 Designing a Lasercut Laptop Stand with Fusion 360. I would suggest:
    • Sketching on paper as he works on Fusion 360
    • Taking short notes (this could become your weblog-howto)
    • Using a separate device to play the video while you work on Fusion
  2. You need to create your own Fusion 360 design from scratch following the instructions in the tutorial. Make the following changes to the design:
    • Use a thickness of 5 mm for the wood (which should be parametric)
    • Put your name on the base or side, you should be able to engrave or create a 3D printed logo for the stand.
    • Measure your laptop and fit the stand to your laptop.
    • Draw and model your laptop to show how it fits in relation to the stand. A simple design of the laptop would do (unless you want to show off!)
    • Select the material (wood) and color to make your design realistic
  3. When you have completed the design, animate your work and create a small movie which you can post to YouTube and attached to your drawing. (GitHub has only a limited amount of space!)
  4. Remember to
    • Document your work e.g. workflow so that you can re-create the design if necessary.
    • Export and attached your completed Fusion 360 file
    • Create an animation of the design and export the video to YouTube and link it here
    • Have a hero shot of your design


Nov 2020