
Digital Fabrication


Wikipedia Digital modeling and fabrication is a design and production process that uses digital information as its source. The object is conceived, designed and manufactured digitally allowing for corrections, testing and advancements with the output being digital code. This digital code is then fed into a machine (3D Printer, Laser cutter, CNC Router) to produce the physical product.

Digital Fabrication allows you to build your object/idea on a computer and spending minimal time as well as expertise in creating the physical object on the actual machine.

The workflow of digital fabrication is

  1. conceive the idea (Graphics sketching program, documentation)
  2. design the object (Computer Aided Design)
  3. add electronics control (Electronic Design Automation)
  4. create the actual object (3D-Slicer, 2D cut, PCB layout, Routing)
  5. physically create, assemble and test

As parts 1 to 4 can be done on a computer, hence the “Digital” aspect of the the product.

Digital Fabrication removes a lot of time gathering the experience and expertise in the manufacturing process by creating a viable, testable digital virtual product.


Some useful readings:


FabLab Singapore Polytechnic

FabLab Singapore Polytechnic is part of the Global Digital Fabrication family of FabLabs (Fabrication Laboratories) with a good history of equipment, training and expertise. The following links provide more information:



  1. 3D Printing objects
  2. Computer Controlled cutting
  3. Digital Embroidery
  4. Electronic circuit manufacture
  5. Mold creating and casting


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