
Output Devices

Output devices are often called Actuators. An Actuator is a component that moves or controls movement. We use output devices to display information or move mechanisms.


Methods of control


Output devices with the Arduino

LED displays



####DC Motors


Assignment 15

In this assignment, you will attempt to interface two output devices to your Arduino.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
45 min Interface the LCD panel using I2C
45 min Interface either the Servo motor or Stepper motor
30 min Sketch out your final project

This assignment requires the wiring of the circuitry using the Arduino Uno board and breadboard with other components. You may need to consult your lecturer during the breakout sessions regarding troubleshooting of the circuitry.

Complete the following programming assignments:

Interfacing assignments

  1. Interface the I2C LCD Panel
    • wire up the LCD panel to the Uno board, you will need only Vcc, GND, SCL and SDA
    • install the LiquidCrystal_I2C library
    • try the example program provided.
    • write a program to
      • display your name on the first line
      • display a running count starting from 0, updating once every second.
  2. Interface the Servo Motor or the Stepper Motor
    • Servo motor
      • test your connection using the example “Sweep” program provided
      • add the 5K/10K Potentiometer as an analog input
      • write a program to use the potentiometer to control the position of the servo
    • Stepper motor
      • test your stepper motor using the example from the stepper motor library.
      • re-write the program using the waveform/step array as explained in the lecture
      • demonstrate by changing the speed and direction of the stepper motor using a switch
  3. Remember to update your website with the following
    • the write-ups for each of the assignments
    • use sketches/circuit diagrams to show how you connected the devices
    • include the code that you have written
    • a “hero” shot/video showing the working of the device

Final Project Week 1

At this stage, you should have some idea of the final project you will be fabricating. To document your project, in your website

  1. Create a folder to store all your project documentation, drawings, code etc.
  2. In this folder, start by creating
    • a landing pages which will give an overview of the project
    • detail a week-to-week account of your work
    • start by creating “Week 1” (this week’s work) which should have
      1. Give your project life by giving it a “name”.
      2. Produce sketches of what you are going to do.
      3. Highlight on your sketches, what you will
        • laser cut and/or engrave
        • 3D print
        • use the Arduino to control
          • an input device (specify)
          • an output device (specify)
      4. Write down and explain, in one or two paragraphs, what your project is going to do.
      5. Start building your Bill-of-materials, so that you can inform your lecturer what components you need.


July 2020