
web-pk Jekyll template

Mr. Steven Chew has kindly created a web template which you can use to create a professionally looking website. This site is created using a static site generator - Jekyll, which converts markdown using the instructions from a configuration file to HTML. Github provides Jekyll as a transparent application which automatically runs when any changes are detected on the site files.

In order to use/build this website properly, you need to use git and a Github repository. In our case, we shall use the Github Desktop application and link directly into our repository.

Install Github Desktop

Github Desktop

Creating a website using web-pk

  1. Make a folder e.g. MyGithub on your local pc. We will put all our github repositories here.
  2. Clone the web-pk repository
    • Use a browser to locate the Github repository - https://github.com/skeatz/web-pk
      • Clone or download > Clone with HTTPS
      • Copy the link provided i.e. https://github.com/skeatz/web-pk.git
    • Github Desktop > Select “Clone a repository from the internet”
      • Select URL, paste what you copied (i.e. https://github.com/skeatz/web-pk.git)
      • Enter the Local path > …\MyGithub\web-pk
        Note that the repo name is automatically appended to your selected folder destination.
      • Click Clone
        Clone using https
    • the files from the repo will be downloaded and a new folder with the repository name “web-pk” will be created.
    • You have successfully cloned/copied the files required for web-pk to your local pc.
  3. Create your own version of web-pk (e.g. EPBlogsite) using Github Desktop
    • File > New Repository
      • Name: EPBlogsite
      • Description: My EP1000 Blog
      • Local path: …\MyGithub\epblogsite
      • Initialise with a README
    • Publish your repository to GitHub
      • Confirm the repository name and description
      • Un-check “Keep this code private”, as you are using the free site
    • Open the repository page on Github on your browser
      • Check that it is created sucessfully, there should be a README.md file
      • Enable github pages for this site
        • Settings > Github Pages > Source > Master Branch
        • Click on URL to check the site
  4. Copy the web-pk template to your site
    • Copy the web-pk folders and files to your epblogsite folder Changes are highlghted
    • Note the changes in GitHub Desktop
      • Shows the files that were added
      • These files are in your local folder
  5. Add these files to the staging area
    • Summary > Added web-pk site
    • Click “Commit to master”, your local repository on the pc is now updated
  6. Update the Github Repository
    • Click “Push Origin” - Push commit to the origin remote
    • Use your browser to examine the Github repository
  7. Configure the new epblogsite (on your local pc)
    • Edit _configure.yaml
      • Change: “title: Your Name Website” to “title: EP1000 blog”
      • Change: “baseurl: “/web-pk”” to “baseurl: “/epblogsite” to indicate where your site is located
    • Save
  8. Update your github site to reflact the local pc
    • Github desktop shows the changes you have made to the _config.yml file.
    • Enter a Summary e.g. updated _config.yml
    • Commit to master
    • Push Origin
    • Check your site with the browser

Modified web-pk site

Tips to configure your web-pk site

Git process

This is a brief outline of the git process done by the Github Desktop (GHD). git uses (traditionally) commands entered on the CLI (command-line interface). Github Desktop specifially uses a GUI to convert actions to this commands.

May 2020