
Website Development

A website consists of webpages containing information of what you wish to display or to keep as reference. For this module, you will create a website that

What is important is that we (the accessors) are more interested in the content than how “beautiful” or “interactive” your site is.

Here are the 4 ways in which you can develop your site together with the advantages and disadvantages it incurs. You are free to choose any method (or none at all) to develop your website.





Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will select a method to create your website. Start by populating the first two/thress sections of your site. You do not need to be complete at this stage. This is a starting point for you to view and correct any mistakes that you may have made.

In the later weeks, you will only be adding content to the site i.e. new pages, so it is good to spend more time cleaning up your website here.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
30 min Select one of the methods above and go through the how-to
30 min Create the root page index.html or index.md
45 min Add the first 3 pages/sections to your site
15 min Host your site on github

Here is a quick guide:

  1. Select one of the methods above (to create a website) and go through the how-to.
  2. Understand how other pages are created and added into the site.
  3. Upload your site to github, host it as a webpage and test it.
  4. Enter your URL into the Google spreadsheet


Your website must, at a miniumum, have the following:

You will be required to present your work to the class as the next session.


May 2020