<!-- Content appears here --> # EP1000 Digital Fabrication Prototyping Fundamentals In this module you will learn how to use Digital Fabrication techniques in designing and creating prototypes. In the process you will learn how to document and publish your work. You will use Computer Aided Design techniques, 3D printing and laser cutting methods to develop your prototype. In addition, you will be use a microcontroller to add intelligence to your project. This module is offered as an elective to students of Singapore Polytechnic as part of their Diploma course. ## Module Aims In this elective, students are introduced to design thinking concepts, which they will use to design some functional prototypes to meet certain user requirements. Fundamental digital fabrication skills and technologies such as computer-aided design, 2D and 3D modeling, mechanical & electronic design and programming skills are developed through a range of hands-on real world activities. Project management, web and version control techniques, which are important for project development, will also be imparted to students. ## Teaching Methods The module incorporates active and experiential learning (CDIO Standard 8) through a combination of tutorials, e-learning and practical workshop sessions. To help the students better understand the basic essential concepts, demonstrations will also be conducted in the lab/workshop (CDIO Standard 6). Audio visual media, hardware and various teaching aids will be used in the course delivery for effective learning. Students have to demonstrate their ability to work individually and in groups to encourage teamwork, personal and interpersonal communication skills. ## Method Of Assessment Assessment will be based on exercises and projects through three in-course assessments (ICA) as follows: |S/No |Code |Description |Weightage | |:-------|:------:|:-------------------------------|:----------:| |1 |CA1 |Safety, Documentation, Website |20% | |2 |CA2 |Digital Fabrication Skills |40% | |3 |CA3 |Summative Project |40% | ## [Contents](contents.html) The [contents section](contents.html) gives you more information regarding the teaching and conduct of the module. Here you will find the - Schedule of the course - Content, readings and references - Assessments, assignments and course work ## Credits ### Course concept The course concept is taken as a subset from [MIT's Course: How to make (almost) anything](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/media-arts-and-sciences/mas-863-how-to-make-almost-anything-fall-2002/) designed and conducted by [Professor Neil Greshenfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Gershenfeld). If you are interested in furthering yourself in this area, please check out [Fab Foundation](https://fabfoundation.org/) and the [Fab Academy](https://fabacademy.org/) Diploma courses. The course is conducted by [Fablab Singapore Polytechnic, Department of Library & Fablab](https://www.sp.edu.sg/sp/student-services/library) which offers free use of its resorurces (equpment, tools, couses) to all full-time students and staff of Singapore Polytechnic. ### This Site This site is built using [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/), but with the help of online Javascript functions which translate Markdown to HTML. We use Strapdown JS to convert (on the client side) to normal HTML. Please visit the following sites for further information: - [Strapdown](https://ndossougbe.github.io/strapdown/#strapdown) by ndossougbe a very simple and elegant converter. - [Strapdown.js](https://strapdownjs.com/) the original strapdown by r2r with themes ## Author [Rodney Dorville](mailto:rodney_dorville@sp.edu.sg)<br> Library & Fablab<br> Singapore Polytechnic<br> 500 Dover Road<br> Singapore 139651<br> <!-- End of Content Area -->