# Digital Fabrication
This is a collection of my notes, practicals, presentations on Digital Fabrication.
### EP1000 Digital Fabrication Fundamentals
This is the landing page for [EP1000 Digital Fabrication Fundamentals](https://rdorville.github.io/EP1000), an elective module.
You will find all sorts of stuff there.
Here is the [LINK](https://rdorville.github.io/EP1000)
### [Presentations](presentations/presentations.html)
This is where most of my presentations are kept.
### [Practicals](practicals/practicals.html)
This holds the various practicals that I have written to supplement work/labs/practicals in Digital Fabrication.
### [Examples](examples/examples.html)
Mainly examples of student's work
[Rodney Dorville](mailto://rodney_dorville@sp.edu.sg)
### Credits
This site is built using [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/), but with the help of online Javascript functions which translate Markdown to HTML.
- [Strapdown](https://ndossougbe.github.io/strapdown/#strapdown) by ndossougbe a very simple and elegant converter.
- [Strapdown.js](https://strapdownjs.com/) the original strapdown by r2r with themes