
##Final Presentation Requirements

For the final presentation, the following items must be completed before the presentation. These items must be located in the Final Project folder, and indexed from the final project page.

They include:

  1. A Presentation Slide
  2. A one-minute video showing how the project works
  3. Project documentaion

###Presentation slide

You will need to create a SINGLE presentation slide with the following parameters:

The single slide should be able to “SELL” or “EXPLAIN” your final project.


You need to create a video of about 1-minute duration describing your project and how you created it. The video is basically your “hero-shot” of the completed project showing/demonstrating how the project works.

The resolution of the video should be 1920x1080 and can be shot using your handphone and edited adequately.

You should upload your video to github or if it is too large, Youtube.

###Final Presentation

You will be required to give a formal presentation of your project. The presentation will