
Final Instructions


  1. Presentations will be held on Friday 21st August (21 Aug) and Monday 24th August (9:00AM)
  2. Please use this form to book your slot:
  3. You will need to fill in the following on the booking sheet
    • Your name
    • The link to your website
    • The link to your presentation slide
    • The link to your video
  4. Each presentation is approximately 6 minutes, in which you will explain
    • the purpose of your project
    • any special effects/work that you have done
    • a demo of actual operation
  5. The presentations are open to all students to observe. Participants please arrive at least 15 minuutes before hand to set up.
  6. There will be NO make-ups as there is a shortage of time and space.
  7. All updates to your site must be completed by 1159hrs Monday 24th August 2020.

Presentation Slide

  1. Single slide of resolution 1920x1080 (.PNG (prefered) or .JPG)
  2. To be located in your final project folder, named “presentation.png” or “presentation.jpg”
  3. The link to this file is to be placed in the booking sheet.
  4. Contents
    • Name of project
    • What it is trying to achieve
    • What is lasercut, 3d printed, control - input, output
    • Your name, course, module code “EP1000 DFAB”, Session (Sem 1 2020)


  1. A one-minute video of resolution 1920x1080 in .mp4 format
  2. Shows what your project can do
  3. Demonstrates its purpose.

Final thoughts

  1. Please bring all unused components on the day of presentation (to be returned)
  2. Your project may be selected to be displayed at the Fablab for 6 months

Updated: 12 Aug 2020