
Component List

Here are a list of components/modules that are available from the Fablab for your final project.

This list is currently being updated as per requests

Current update: 15 July 2020

Component Description Availability
resistors Common values only, 5W, 5% Yes
potentiomenters 5K, 10K  
capacitors Ceramic, Electrolytic, common values only Yes
wires for breadboard, audio, patchwork, soldering Yes
power connector for Arduino board  
battery holder AA, AAA or 9V  
stripboard for soldering  
veroboard for soldering  
breadboard mini, full kit
Input Devices    
switches Common pushbutton, slide, power Yes
touch switch Capacitative  
DHT-11 temperature, humidity sensor kit
DHT-22 temperature, humidity sensor limited
LM-35 temperature sensor  
DS-18B20 temperature sensor limited
IR Avoidance Proximity sensor  
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor kit
HC-SR501 PIR PIR motion detection sensor kit
RCWL-0516 Doplar motion detection sensor  
LDR 5516 Light Dependent Resistor kit
RTC DS3231 Real Time Clock using I2C limited
RTC DS1302 Real Time Clock using SPI limited
Rotary Encoders Module limited
Load Cell 1kg using HX711 limited
Water Level water level sensor limited
output Devices    
LED 3mm, 5mm Yes
RGB LED 5mm kit
7-segment LED Common cathode/anode  
NeoPixel WS2812 in strips of 8 limited
LED strip White, warm white limited
TM1637 4-digit 7-segment LED tube limited
LCD 2x20 I2C interface kit
Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 with ULN2003 board kit
Servo Motor FS90 9g servo motor kit
Servo Motor FS90R Continuous motor limited
DC Motor 6V brushed  
LM298 H-bridge motor controller  
Buzzer 5V Piezo  
Speaker 8 ohm, 50mm