
EP1000 Class Kit

A class kit is available for each student to practise and implement Arduino programming and interfacing with various modules. Please check that you have the items in your kit, otherwise please inform the lab of the missing parts.

Sn Description Qty Comment  
1 Arduino Uno 1    
2 USB Cable for Uno Board 1    
3 MB102 Breadboard 1    
4 Plastic Box 1    
  Basic Electronics      
  Dupont Cable Male-Male      
5 Short (100mm) 10 pcs 1    
6 Medium (150mm) 5 pcs 1    
  LEDs 5mm      
7 Red 2    
8 Green 2    
9 White 2    
10 RGB (10mm) 1 Some missing  
11 Push button switches 2    
12 220R 5 Colour Code:(RRB)  
13 1K 5 Colour Code:(BrBR)  
14 10K 5 Colour Code:(BrBO)  
15 Variable Resistors 5K or 10K 1    
  Input Modules      
16 DHT-11 Humidity, Temperature Sensor 1    
17 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor 1    
18 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) 5518 1    
19 RCWL-0516 proximity sensor 1    
  Output Modules      
20 FET (TO92) 1 Not available yet  
21 Servo FS90 9g 1    
22 28BYJ Stepper Motor & ULN2003 board 1 Not available yet  
23 LCD 1602 2x20 with I2C 1 Not available yet  


  1. Please check and note down the missing parts and inform us for replacements
  2. You are responsible for the kit and the components and MUST return them when the module is completed.


July 2020