
Assignment 3 Project Management



For this assignment, we will start looking at your module project. At this moment, you will probably not have any idea of what project you are going to “make” or how you are going to do it (we’ll fix this in the module!)

For a start, you will look at possible projects out in the internet and decide what you would like to “make” as a first project. Make a list of the possible projects and eliminate them until you get one or two good candidates.

Using the possible ideas as a start, do an internet search and check for

Document your findings by taking note of the URL and the different ideas that have come up in your search. As in any part of the project, time is of the essence. Do NOT spend too much time on this, as it may prove to be counter-productive.

From your research, draw a sketch of what you like to “make”. You should not wholly copy the design, but make small and necessary adjustments/improvements. For now, just a sketch (with dimensions would do).

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
15 min Research (Google) ideas for your object
30 min Do further research on one or two particular ideas
30 min Sketch what you think your project would look like
15 min Discuss with me the possiblilites



  1. Make a list of the projects you might want to do, here are some sites that may help in your selection:
  2. Sketch your object on paper
    • it does not have to look neat (not everyone is an artist!)
    • ink out the defined shape when ready
    • put in physical dimensions to your sketch
    • colour the sketch to make it impressive
    • take a phone when done
  3. You will have 4 weeks (approximately 8hrs * 4 wks) to compelete your project. Roughly plan out what you intend to do (in 2 hr sections). You should leave at least
    • 8 hrs for the electronics/microcontroller work
    • 2 hrs for documentation, and
    • 1 hr for the presentation slide and 1 minute video production.
  4. Document your work in text and photographs.

:blush: You will later put all this information into your project site.

Further Information

Discuss your proejct and your findings with your lecturer in the next class session.


October 2020