Here are some tips on using a switch with the Arduino system (or any microcontroller system for that matter)
In this scenario, we will use a push button switch to change the state of an LED. However, we will TOGGLE the state of the LED by pressing the push button.
We will also ONLY change the state of the LED after each push. Hence, we will need to check the following states of the switch:
We can always simulate the circuit on TinkerCAD or wire-up the circuit as follows:
lastSWState set to HIGH
read switch
if switch is pressed (LOW)
debounce switch
if switch is pressed (LOW)
if lastSWState is HIGH
process the switch
toggle the LED
lastSWState set to LOW to prevent further processing
lastSWState set to HIGH (gone back to original state)
We can implement the above logic using Arduino code:
const int SW = 7;
const int LED = 13;
int ledState = LOW;
int lastSWState = HIGH;
void setup(){
pinMode(SW, INPUT);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, ledState);
void loop() {
int reading = digitalRead(SW);
if (reading == LOW){
// debounce SW
reading = digitalRead(SW);
if (reading == LOW){
// yes still low
// check whether it went high yet
if (lastSWState == HIGH){
// toggle LED
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED, ledState);
// prevent any processing until SW returns to normal
lastSWState = LOW;
// SW returns to normal state
lastSWState = HIGH;
Updated: January 2021