
Veroboards / Stripboards

A Veroboard is a brand of stripboard, which is a pre-formed circuit board material of copper strips on an insulating bonded paper board. The stripboard was designed in the 1980s to provide a fast way of prototyping electronic circuits. Ref: Wikipedia Veroboards


The alternative to stripboards is to use electronic breadboards, however, these suffer from stray capacitance and loose connections.

A stripboard allows you to securely solder your components and circuit for testing and measurment. The stripboard, however, has the following problems

Designing stripboard layouts

Sometimes the best way of designing stripboard is by hand. The technique is as follows:

  1. Print out a stripboard template
  2. Use pencil and eraser and design your layour
  3. Ink your design and verify it
  4. Implement it on a stripboard.

You can find a number of printable templates by using Google. Here are a few quick locations:

There are software / methods of designing the layout using a computer and simple software, here are 2 common methods

You can always choose the sophisticated method by using special software

A good reference for circuit prototyping can be found on the Best Soldering site.

Updated: January 2021