
Student Sites

Please let me know if you update/change your site URL. If you update your site URL, please enter the new URL in Google Sheet Group 1.

EP1000 Digital Fabrication & Prototyping Fundamentals
AY2020/2021 Semester 1 Group 1

Sn Name Site Safety Web Git F360 Comments
01 MUHAMMAD FADHLI S S S P M Logos are too big, images too small, either click to enlarge.write how you would use git, not just the commands
02 CHUA KEITH U I I M M Still work in progress, outline is there but no content
03 MUHAMMAD FARHAN S S I S S Write more on HTML and CSS how do you put a CSS file into your HTML and what does it do. Explanations very sketcy
04 MASON GOH i M M M M Only root page, no other work done, images not linked, lots to do
05 TANG KZ I M M M M Site incomplete, liks missing, no content, no CSS
06 FELIX NG S S S I I Site ok, images are small, cannot see, need more explanations, CAD missing files
07 LEE CLAIRE S M M M M Site ok, needs to update all the weeks work.put in a “Page under development” if necessary
08 ZHENG R S M M M M Site ok, missing the different chapters and pages
09 LEONG ELVIS M M M M M Github pages activated? filenames have spaces, can cause problems
10 EMMANUEL CHENG S S S I G Need to work on HTML and CSS explanations. git needs aork, something like your CAD would be good
11 HARIZ ZIKRY S I I O O Need to look at your initial work, the images are too small to see, perhaps click to reach larger images (done in markdown)
12 LEE HENG WEI S I I S/I O/I git and CAD is outstanding but there are is no explanation on the process. You need to learn how to write out the process
13 DANISH ERHAN S P S S/M O/M missing the text for the “how-tos”. Good images, but need to write something
14 KRYSTAL T I I P P P Need to catch up on work. Your CSS file is not being read so no formating done
15 ANG JOELLE S I I P S/M You need to write about your experiences here. For you, this should not be a problem as you are a COMMs student. start practicing now!
16 ANNA YAP S M/I M I P A good start, needs more content, you haven’t completed the exercises
17 NUR ARIFAH S S M M M A lot of work to do, but you have the Jekyl site up, time to add content
18 C AVINASH S I M M O Safety is only slides from ESP, missing Web and git work. Great video but text explanation needed
19 ZACKERY MAK S S M M M Need to link images in properly, images are there but not showing
20 TANG SQ O S I M I Outstanding site, added content, but still missing explanations, git is minimal, so are explanations for CAD. Use Left alignment for text


M Missing U Need work, not done I Incomplete, needs text
P Partially complete, usually needs more explanation instead of images
S Satisfactory
G Good work, keep it up
O Outstanding

Updated: 21 May 2020



FAQ 001 Site does not display when URL is clicked

FAQ 002 Please don’t use click here or press here to indicate a link.

FAQ 003 Why can’t I have a single webpage as my website?

FAQ 004 My images do not show.

FAQ 005 when do I use tables (HTML)?

FAQ 006 Why do I need to use CSS with HTML, my site already looks great!

FAQ 007 My website is professionally done - so what’s wrong with it?

FAQ 008 Sir, I see a lot of   in your Markdown. What is this special “term”?

FAQ 009 How to embed a Fusion 360 file in your web page?


The code from the Autodesk site is placed directly in the Markdown file. The code sample is reproduced below. You may need to wait a bit before the image shows.

<iframe src="https://myhub.autodesk360.com/ue2dff438/shares/public/SH56a43QTfd62c1cd968a8254af243cf0912?mode=embed" width="800" height="600" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true"  frameborder="0"></iframe>


FAQ 010 How-to display a 3D Model (.STL) in a HTML file

Example: 3D model of a Knight Chess Piece

You can also embed it into the HTML or Markdown file using the following code:

<iframe src="06_STLmodel.html"
    width="800" height="600"
    allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true"  frameborder="0"


Blank Classlist

May 2020