
Input Devices

Input devices are often called Sensors. Output devices are often called Actuators. The process of connecting a Sensor or Actuator to a computer processor system is called Interfacing.


Methods of reading sensors

Types of Sensors








Assignment 14

In this assignment, you will attempt to interface two input devices to your Arduino.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
30 min Interface the Ultrasonic sensor to your Uno board
30 min Interface the DHT-11 sensor to your Uno board
60 min Plan what you want to do as your final project

This assignment requires the wiring of the circuitry using the Arduino Uno board and breadboard with other components. You may need to consult your lecturer during the breakout sessions regarding troubleshooting of the circuitry.

Complete the following programming assignments:

Interfacing assignments

  1. Wire up and interface the
    • Ultrasonic sensor
    • DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor
  2. Draw the circuit diagram (you can use the on line app Circuit Diagram) to document your work.
  3. Write the program(s) to make the devices work.
    • indicate whether you need to use libraries
    • show your results using the Serial Monitor and/or Serial Plotter
  4. Take a hero shot (photo or video) of your interfacing achievements
  5. Write up your website page.

Final Project Planning

  1. Go through the list of suggested projects in the Final Project section.
  2. Google/Search for completed ideas which you might want to use.
  3. Decide on a final project
    • Indicate what changes you would like to make
    • Do a sketch of what your final project would look like
    • Write down the tasks that you need to complete, taking into consideration
      • what you need to design in 2D/3D
      • what you need to lasercut
      • what you need to 3D print
      • what sensors you require
      • whether the program is available to you, what changes do you need to make
    • Write down the Bill-of-materials (BOM)
    • Complete the above and post it in the Final Project Section
      • Label this Initial Plan
      • Provide photos, sketches, evidence of your work


Useful sites for Arduino Interfacing

Here are some of the more “reputable/trust-worthy” sites for Arduino modules


July 2020