
Project Management

The objective of this module is to help you create a prototype of an object. However, before we can start any fabrication it is good to have a plan or series of tasks which we need to follow to reach our objective. This is project management.

Safety Issues

Fablab @ Singapore Polytechnic has a large number of tools, equipment and machinery which you can use to fabricate your project. In the course of the module, you will be taught the operation of some of these tools and equipment, however before that, we need to ensure your safety in the lab.

The Safety Assessment is mandatory for all users of Fablab@SP. The documentation and notes for the couse is common throughout all couses and is available on the E-learning Site at SP. You are encouraged to go through the material before taking the Safety Assessment.

Unfortunately, we require that the Safety Assessment be done physically at the lab, and as such will be postponed until the laboratories are open for use. This will be the first task you undertake upon entering the lab.

Project Management

Project management helps you plan and execute your tasks that lead to the sucess of your project. In short, it is the management of

Project management tools

Ideas/References that may help you plan your project

###Assignment 1

For this week, we will start by looking at some Safety issues, identify common tools that you will work with in the Fablab and prepare software on your laptop for the tasks ahead.

I have provided approximate timings for you so that you do NOT spend all your time (doing something you like and neglecting other modules!)

Time Task
45 min Go through the Safety slides on the eSP site, prepare yourself for the Safety Assessment
15 min Read the online article on Protoypting: iterative vs parallel
15 min What tools do I need in my tool-kit?
30 min Software installation - Fusion 360, Text Editor

Safety Assessment

  1. Login to E-learning@SP and go to the module page EP1000
  2. Under Learning Resources, select Fablab Safety
  3. Read the documents provided under this section. It is important that you are familiar with its contents.


What are the common tools that I should have in a tool-kit for my home? Prepare a list of tools that you may need based on the following:

  1. How often it is used and its purpose
  2. Safety aspects in using that tool

What are the common powered tools that I would like to have in my tool-kit as well?

Software Installation

During the course of this module, you will be required to use a number of software tools. For a start, you will need this two:

  1. Autodesk Fusion 360
    This is a CADD (Computer Aided Design & Drafting) tool which allows you to digitally design, envision and simulate your project. The link provided is to the Education version. You should
    • Register as a student
    • Install and open up the software
    • Try one of the tutorials.
  2. A Text Editor
    An important aspect of Project Management is documentation. We need to keep a journal of our prototype project to show our journey, reflect on what we have done and provide a reference for future work. An essential tool is the “pure” text editor.
    Look at some of the recommended examples below and choose one that you feel suits your working environment the best, and install it on your computer.


You must be able to answer the following questions:

  1. Why is Safety important in the Fablab?
  2. What is Personal Protective Equipment, and what can I use in the lab?

You will be required to present your work to the class as the next session.

April 2020